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As part of the second assignment project of the DESIGN 243 Course, led by Haimo Zhang. Our project group was assigned to target a specific problem faced today, during the pandemic, as we feel the Covid-19 outbreak has taken a huge toll on our everyday lives. 

This tracker basically serves the same purpose as a credit card pay-wave, in terms of its functionality and properties. 

As a group, we decided to focus on the problem of Contact Tracing being almost neglected and unappreciated by the public. We discovered that many in the public sector had trouble with the current contact tracing mechanism in New Zealand, and that it was a personal problem then the system itself. This means the majority of users have trouble opening the app, struggling to scan the QR code, et cetera - in which case, they would much rather perform the task swiftly and easily, so they can carry on about their day. 

This conceptual product accompanies the act of contactless tracking and incognito appearance to provide quick and easy scanning, provided that every store, facility and leisure areas have a scanner-like system. 

This idea could become a way of culture, in a way that with having a RFID receiver in every store, facility or leisure - it could become very easily done, with repetition. This could provide reassurance and satisfactory results for governments, tackling the pandemic crisis. 

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